Thursday, September 3, 2009

The School Year is underway

The students have arrived and the new house schedules are complicated even for the adults. Not sure how the kids are figuring it all out. As with every year, the network is a mess and we will be lucky to be able to use most of our computers until week 2. But at least the lab was up and running. I began the year teaching the staff how to do initial Speech to Text training. My team mate and I trained 21 staff member how to configure the microphone and to launch the Speech to Text software. Watching them all try to read into the headsets and teach the software to understand their voices was entertaining. Discussing with them how to do the same process with students who can not even read the passages was even more rewarding.

We have come up with some interesting plans though. We hope to use the most common word lists and build up a usable speech dictionary for each student. We won't know how well the plan works for a couple months... but I will post the results as we see them happen.

1 comment:

  1. This is my first year NOT beginning school in a physical classroom, Larry. It's fun to read your post and remind myself of the chaos (and fun) I'm missing :-) Thanks for sharing.
