Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Next 5000 Days by Kevin Kelly

Kevin Kelly presents and interesting and in some ways frightening view of the internet and where it is going. I have watched the video three times now and I am still not sure how I want to respond to his discussion. He begins with a short history of the first 5000 days and his discussion is very accurate. The growth and expansion of the World Wide Web (WWW) is truely remarkable.

Its in Kevin's description of the next 5000 days that I begin to have my concerns. The levels of data integration and the capacity to hot link from one data element to the next are a reality. These innovations are happening as we speak. Kevin extrapolates this integration to a concept of the "One Machine" where all computer screens are viewing into a single large computer. To me this brings back to many visions of the book 1984, where big brother is looking over our shoulder at all times. Kevin takes his analogy a step further and begins to apply a level of artificial intelligence to the "One Machine" where it begins to monitor and predict our needs. As an IT professional, I spent 21 years fighting the concerns that computers were taking over our lives and that people were becoming little more than numbers.

It is true that automation as provided quicker access and easier viewing of our lives, but there are still controls in place to protect the rights and privacy of the individual. I just do not see the inevitability of the world where computers monitor our lives that closely and as a race we become totally dependent on the computer and the internet. It is a useful tool and one that I enjoy using, but it is something I can do without.

I may have taken this one element to seriously, but Kenin Kelly's words bothered me. Maybe its just a fear that if we do not teach our youth to guard their freedom and individuality, they may someday let the "One Machine" be in charge.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Larry,

    Your thoughts on 5000 Days of the Internet couldn't have been expressed any better. I was thinking the same thing as I watched the video, its like the book 1984. Kevin Kelly does bring up some scary points to having the internet and how quickly it has grown. I also agree with you about where all this technology will lead our youth. We have seen the dangers of Myspace, Facebook, and Craigs list. There is a huge safety concern for me for children who have no problem posting way to personal things on the internet. They are unafraid. I guess since I didn't grow up with this type of technology I have a healthy fear of it :) And probably because I read 1984. Great post Larry! ~Teena
